I thought it would be fun to do a tag post for Christmas, instead of my usual beauty related posts. Though I wish I could find (or create!) a great Christmas tag that’s makeup related, I still love tags. I found this one from Afro Mermaid and thought it would be fun to do!

So let’s get started!

1. What is your favorite Christmas Color?

I don’t know that I have one specific favorite – can I choose a color combo? Because it would be white and silver – but that shimmery, glittery white. So pretty!

2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

It’s not Christmas until I’ve binge-watched the 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family – but as for favorites, I have two – National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and Elf.

3. What is your favorite Christmas song?

12 Pains of Christmas – obviously a parody, but it’s my absolute all time favorite – it’s hilarious and real and 100% what Christmas is really like around here!

4. The most anticipated Christmas Tradition?

Christmas Eve at my moms – I always thought it was cool that we got to open our gifts on Christmas Eve and all my friends had to wait ’til Christmas morning!

5. Is your tree fake or real?

Real – always real. I just can’t stand a fake tree.

6. PJs of Fancy Dress for Christmas Eve?

Pj’s – more specifically anything that stretches…a lot….oh the food…..

7. When do you open your presents – on the Christmas Eve or the Christmas Morning? 

Christmas Eve

8. Do you believe in Santa? 

No 😦 But it’s fun to play along for my son and my nephews – and it helps to keep them from misbehaving (momentarily)

9. What is your Christmas wish?

For my son to stay a baby forever!

10. Have you ever build a Gingerbread House?

Yes – my step daughter and I have built one every year – except this year, she broke her leg ice skating and just isn’t up to it – plus she’s 13 and may very well be over it already!

11. What is your Dream Christmas Destination? 

To stay home! Christmas Eve is usually at home, but this year we’re going to my sister’s house (an hour and a half drive away) and then we spend Christmas day running around to various houses on my husband’s side of the family – it would be nice to have a big house to accommodate everyone so I didn’t have to go out!

12. Do you like giving or receiving gifts better? 

Giving – I put a lot of thought and planning into my gift-giving, and when I get to watch my family open their gifts and actually LIKE them, well, it’s awesome.

13. Can you name all of the Santa’s Reindeers? 

No. Rudolph guides the sleigh. And the other ones were mean to him. So no.

14. What is your favorite Christmas meal or treat?

I don’t think I have a favorite. I’m a foodie, so I’m pretty content with anything that’s made!

15. Are you a pro-present wrapper or you fail miserably? 

Failure – it looks like a blind T-Rex wrapped my gifts! Whatever, they’re wrapped, and it’s all gonna get shredded anyway, right?!

That’s it, guys! I tag all of you to do this as well! Leave me your comments, or tag me in your own so I can read your favorite things about Christmas!

And please take a moment to go follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito, and like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook! All the links are on the sidebar of this page, all you have to do is click! Your support means so much!

 I hope everyone has a very very Merry Christmas!!



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