We all have days where our regular concealer just can’t quite hack it. You know exactly what I mean; Flo’s on her way to town, hormones a’ plenty, and suddenly your face erupts into one huge pimple, or even several. And unfortunately, the concealer that you rely on on a daily basis for highlighting or concealing minor redness is nearly useless. It laughs in the face of your ‘Mt. Vesuvius-esque’ companion. And of course, it usually happens right before a big event….go figure.

I have a go-to heavy duty concealer that I know I can rely on to cover literally anything. But browsing around in UTLA one day, I was drawn to the NYX Gotcha Covered Concealer ($5.99/ULTA) (it was also ‘buy one get one 50% off’, so that helped).

Here’s what it claims;

Gotcha Covered Concealer by NYX Cosmetics always has your back! This full coverage, waterproof and long-lasting concealer effectively covers up discolorations and imperfections without creasing or caking. Infused with coconut oil, this highly blendable concealer also leaves your face with a healthy looking glow.

So, how does it perform? Keep reading to find out!



 This concealer comes in a black squeeze tube with a twist off cap, the name of the product printed on the packaging, as well as transparent gaps in the black, allowing you to see the shade of the product inside.



 The texture of this product is extremely thick; this is actually probably the thickest concealer I’ve ever used! I notice no unpleasant smell, which is nice, and even thought it contains coconut oil, it’s not ‘coconutty’ in the slightest in terms of scent. It comes in 10 shades, and I find myself having to mix ‘Ivory’ and ‘Light’ to get my ideal shade.


I’ve applied this both over foundation, and by itself, and one thing that stands out aside from the thickness, is that it’s a super emollient formula with a very dewy finish. I see this being ideal on someone with very dry skin, combination skin (on your drier spots), or normal skin.
When I purchased this, I was drawn in by the three most important claims (at least, in my opinion); full coverage, waterproof, and long-lasting. Well it’s definitely full coverage. Waterproof and long-lasting? Eh….
I applied this to the very inner corners of my eyes where my darkness is at it’s peak, the sides of my nose, my chin, and a few blemishes, both small and large. When applied to flatter areas with minimal texture, just to cover some redness, it’s not bad at all, as long as you set it with a powder like, immediately. When it comes to covering blemishes, it just doesn’t stay put. I’ve tried with a primer, without a primer, powdering right away, blotting with a tissue and then powdering; nothing seems to keep it in place over a blemish.
No matter what I do, I just can’t get this to work for me; at least, not for the purpose of which I purchased it.

Overall Rating : 2/5

I really wanted to love this concealer, honestly. But sadly, it isn’t happening. Considering I bought two of them (because of the sale) and I no longer have the boxes they came in, I’m kind of stuck with them, so maybe I’ll keep working with them. But I’ve been trying these out off and on for several weeks and I’m not having the greatest luck.

Have you guys tried this concealer? Do you have any tips or tricks to using it to it’s full potential? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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If you’ve been riding with me for awhile here, you know my skin is….seasonally temperamental.

Sassy. It’s sassy.

In the winter, I’m dry as the Sahara. In the summer, I’m oily as can be. Spring and Fall are sort of my ‘transitional’ seasons with my skin. That’s when I become more combination. So naturally, I have to adjust my skin care routine to accommodate.

So I thought I would share my current skin care routine for combo, acne prone skin, in hopes that if you’re someone who’s struggling with keeping their skin clear and properly hydrated but not overly oily, you’ll be able to pick up some tips!

Let’s get started!


  Before I even think about cleansing my skin, I always remove as much makeup as I can with makeup remover wipes. Lately I’ve been using the Equate Beauty Night-Time Soothing Makeup Remover Towelettes to break down my foundation and concealer and any other face products.
To remove my eye makeup, I still use extra virgin coconut oil, and then remove all the gunky residue with another makeup remover wipe. The coconut oil breaks down any and all eye makeup, and conditions the lashes all at the same time, keeping them soft and strong.


img_9413Since I’ve been oily and dry all at the same time, while still battling acne, I’ve set aside my regular acne cleanser, and upped my exfoliation game to daily. It’s really not recommended that you exfoliate daily, however I’ve found that it’s working well for me, as long as I do it gently. While in the morning, I only use a makeup remover wipe to wipe away any oil on my face from the overnight hours, each night, (especially if I’ve worn makeup that day) I’ve been using my Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask as a cleanser. Sugar is water soluble and a gentle enough exfoliant to remove the dead skin cells that clog your pores and contribute to breakouts, the charcoal helps to draw impurities like dirt and makeup out of your pores, and again, it’s not widely recommended to exfoliate daily, though it’s not nearly as harsh as broken shards of stone fruits in say, the St. Ives line of exfoliating cleansers.



 This is where I try to moisturize and treat all at the same time. And this happens in one of two ways.
On days I’m not planning on wearing makeup, I apply my Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream with Sandalwood Oil immediately after cleansing/exfoliating (click the link to read a full review). Turmeric is great for fighting breakouts and fading old acne scars, and Sandalwood Oil helps to fight breakouts as well as regulate oil production on the skin. It has a slight yellow tint to it, which is fine on bare skin because it helps to balance any redness, but I’ve found that it just doesn’t work well under my makeup.
So for days that I do plan to wear makeup, I first moisturize with my Garnier Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream for Dry Skin, which is lightweight, hydrating, never greasy, and absorbs super fast! Over that, I then apply my Fruit of the Earth 100% Aloe Vera Gel, which also soothes redness, hydrates, controls oil, and is great for use during an active breakout as it helps to heal it, and makes a great primer for the skin before makeup. I especially like to use the aloe vera gel as a ‘primer for my primer’ if you will, creating a barrier between my skin and any chemicals I’m going to put on top of it that are in my makeup.

So there you have it! That’s my current skin care routine for the spring and summer months, for combination, acne prone skin. And it’s working rather well! Just see for yourself!


  What are some of the skin care products you’re loving for the warmer weather? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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As women, there are few things in life we’ll be able to escape, and few things in life men will never experience quite like us – periods, severe emotional outbursts, and hormonal acne. Because life isn’t hard enough, right?…..

But hormonal acne doesn’t have to be the bane of your existence, if you know how to predict its ETA, and figuratively slam the door in its ugly face.

And that’s why I’m writing this today. I’m mid-horrible, hormonal breakout, so I took to the internet to compile some information and ideas for treatment. I’ve already noticed a difference in my skin, and while this course of action may not work for everyone, I’m confident that it may help some of you.

Let’s get started!


As women, we’re riddled with hormones, both male and female. Generally our female hormones, or Estrogen and Progesterone, which are produced by the ovaries, dominate. The ovaries also produce male hormones, or Androgens, but at a much lower level. Around the time of ovulation (when your ovaries release an egg for fertilization) there is a spike in Androgens, which kick up oil production and alter the development of skin cells that line the hair follicles, predominately around the mouth and chin, or the beard area, and often times on the back, too.
Additionally, we all know that we naturally shed dead skin cells. Well these cells tend to become abnormally sticky, likely due to the increased oil production, and clog the pores. And TA-DA!! Acne. Yuck. So what can you do?


You can do it yourself, or you can go down Prescription Avenue. Prescriptions, both topical or oral, can be very harsh on the skin and the rest of the body, so those really should be reserved for extreme cases. But here’s what been helping me:

  • Exfoliate – gentle exfoliators are great for removing dead skin cells that can get trapped in your pores. One of my all-time faves is the Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask, because the Black Sugar sloughs away any gross dead skin, and the Charcoal helps to get the deep-down gunk out of your pores.
  • Change Your Cleanser – your regular cleanser probably isn’t going to cut it while you’re waging this particular bumpy war. For the week you’re ovulating, and probably the week before, you’ll want to use something that contains Benzoyl Peroxide – you can buy products like this in any drugstore. One of my favorites is a 3 piece system by Equate, which is sold at Walmart, and it’s comparable to the Proactiv System, but it’s only $10! (I can’t find a link, but it comes in a green and white box). And as a bonus, it comes with a sample sized sulfur mask that is great for spot treating! Unless you tend to have breakouts all month long, I would reserve this for just these couple weeks, because Benzoyl Peroxide can really dry out your skin, doing more harm than good.
  • Moisturize – back to this whole dry, dead skin thing…if you keep your skin moisturized, the less flaking you’ll have (and if you’re using Benzoyl Peroxide, you especially want to moisturize). Another good reason is while you’re trying to get the breakout under control, you may still need to conceal, and well, have you ever tried to conceal a dry, flaky pimple? I have, and it’s damn near impossible. MOISTURIZE!! One of my all time faves is the Garnier Nutritioniste Refreshing Gel-Cream.
  • Hydrate – Your body, not just your face. Lots and lots and lots of water will help to naturally flush toxins from your body, and again, help keep your skin from drying out too much.
  • Be Cautious With Your Makeup – that is, if you must wear makeup. If you don’t have to, don’t. Let your skin breathe. You really don’t want to give it anything else to clog up with. But if you can, pick up a foundation or concealer that contains Salicylic Acid, so you can ‘heal while you conceal’. Neutrogena and Almay both make great products, but if you need something a little bit more lightweight, Maybelline Dream Pure BB Cream is great too.

Alright guys! I hope you were able to pick up some helpful tips from this article! What do you do when you’re battling a hormonal breakout? Leave me a comment and let me know! I’m always open to new tips and tricks!

And please take a moment to go follow me around on social media :

Twitter & Instagram : @dlynnesposito
Snapchat : dlynnesposito
Facebook : Affordable Gorgeous
And feel free to reblog and share my social media with your friends! ❤



 Ok guys, so this is a review outside of my norm. But I just have to tell you about this product!! It’s the Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream with Sandalwood Oil, and it’s pretty incredible.

A couple weeks ago I was scrolling through Facebook, when a Refinery29 article popped up on my newsfeed. It said something to the effect of being the ‘cure all for skin woes’ – naturally I was intrigued, so I clicked.

Before I get too in depth, I’ll give you a little background on my skin, in case you weren’t familiar – I’m oily in the summer, dry/combo in the winter. I have large pores, hyper pigmentation, dry patches, acne scarring,  a lot of texture (think those deep scars that just look horrible no matter how much primer I use) and I break out pretty easily. I also still suffer from the occasional cystic breakout (I have one on my cheek as I write this). It’s taken me quite a number of years to work out a skin care routine that doesn’t send my skin into full-blown ‘toddler meltdown’ tantrum mode. So I’m usually very reluctant to try anything new when it comes to my skin care, at least not without a great deal of research.

This cream is from India, and it claims the following:

Turmeric is a wonderful versatile root that has been in every Indian household for centuries. Its amazing properties range from flavoring curries, to sterilizing wounds, to grooming women.

Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream is a harmonious combination of medically invaluable Turmeric with cooling and fragrant Sandalwood oil.

This Ayurvedic cream vanishes into your skin, rejuvenates and revitalizes your skin from within, leaving it soft, supple and young looking.

Being pure and natural, with all the wonderful attributes of turmeric and sandalwood oil, Vicco Turmeric Cream gives the skin a radiance that mere cosmetics can’t hold a light to. It also protects the skin from ultraviolet Rays of the sun and maintains the original color of pigments of your skin.

The cream is beneficial in the prevention and cure of acne, pimples, boils, blemishes and other common disorders of skin.

Due to proven medicinal properties of its active ingredients, the Government has permitted manufacturing of Vicco products under Ayurvedic Drug License.

I’m someone that thoroughly researches products before I buy them – especially if it’s going to go on my face. I googled it, of course, and read so many great reviews. I even asked a friend, who grew up in India, and she told me that her whole family uses it, and that its wonderful and super beneficial to the skin. That was all I needed; I ran home and placed my order. I found mine on Amazon for about $8 with free shipping.



 It comes in a squeeze tube, almost like toothpaste, with a yellow twist-off cap. You get 70g of product, and considering you only need to use about a chickpea sized amount, I can see this lasting me for quite some time.



 It’s a pale yellow colored cream, but it’s very light, with some slip to it. It contains turmeric (obviously) which is proven to be an effective treatment for acne, blackheads, dark spots, and hyper pigmentation. It also treats eczema and psoriasis (helpful, since I have eczema), helps treat wrinkles, and improves the elasticity of the skin. Additionally, turmeric is helpful in regulating the production of sebum (the oil your skin produces that you spend half your day fighting to make less noticeable). Sandalwood oil is a natural astringent, and helps with inflammation, redness, and dryness of the skin.


When I squeezed some out on to my fingers, I grossly overestimated how much I would need – and getting it back into the tube just wasn’t an option! Luckily, because it’s good for eczema as well, I was able to just rub the rest into my hands. After a few minutes I noticed a cool, tingly feeling – nothing overwhelming or uncomfortable; it was almost pleasant in a way. It dried down to a matte finish, not really dewy or oily looking like I expected from a cream that wasn’t my usual gel moisturizer. As I continued to wear it, the tingle diminished, and my skin felt super hydrated without looking or feeling greasy.

There is most definitely a scent with this product – and it’s quite strong. The sandalwood oil is very obviously present in this cream, so if you’re sensitive to fragrance you’ll probably want to steer clear. They do make one without sandalwood oil, but well, for me it’s ‘go big or go home’! It’s very incense like – normally I hate the smell of most incense, but this really doesn’t bother me, and after a few minutes you no longer notice it.

One thing I’m noting with this product (which I L-O-V-E!) is that my pores actually look smaller! I have pretty large pores on either side of my nose, and right around the center of my forehead (between the brows) and they looked noticeably smaller right away! And with continued use they’re almost like, vanishing! I also had a minor breakout when I started using this cream, as well as a small cystic blemish on my cheek, and it’s been significantly reduced with just 3 days use! But I haven’t seen any additional breakouts, which is something I always expect when using a new product, be it skin care or makeup.

I had read that some people were noticing a sort of yellow cast left behind on their skin, but I haven’t seen anything like that on my super fair (NC15 for reference) skin.

I even applied makeup over this cream, and while I noticed that my foundation still clung to the dry patches on the creases of either side of my nose, everywhere else it looked great – I used my Revlon ColorStay Whipped Creme makeup, but any foundation should do the trick. I will say that under makeup I noticed a slight tinge of yellow but nothing serious. From a social distance, you can’t even tell.

Overall, I’d say I’m already quite impressed with this product, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the coming weeks. Initially I had planned to wait at least a month before writing a review, but since I started seeing some results almost instantly, I just couldn’t keep this to myself!

You can get your own Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream by clicking the link. It’s $9.25, and quite frankly I didn’t expect it to be as wonderful as everyone  made it out to be – BUT IT IS!

Have you guys ever tried it? Leave me a comment with your thoughts!

And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito, and go like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook!