I haven’t been posting many tutorials lately, and there is (or was) one reason alone for that; my skin.

About a month ago, thanks to a combination of hormones, changing weather, and a massive load of stress, decided to have itself a…..well, a shit fit. My normally semi-gentle routine that had been working well for me was suddenly useless. It was time for a change.

This post will be my current skin care routine for combination, acne prone skin. It’s been working, for sure. I currently only have one or two blemishes in the healing stages, and everything else, including most of my problematic redness and texture, has disappeared.

Oh, and it’s ALL drugstore, and all affordable! So let’s get started!


img_9413Every morning, I start by exfoliating my face with my usual Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask ($4.29/ULTA). I love this stuff. It’s intended purpose is to be a mask, obviously, but I like that while I’m exfoliating, the charcoal in it draws all the crap out of my pores.

Next is something that I used years ago, and over time it became too harsh for my skin, but now it seems to be working well; it’s the Equate Beauty Acne Treatment System ($11.97/Walmart), and it’s simply Walmart’s knock-off of Proactiv. I did try Proactiv years ago, like back in high school, and it broke me out horribly. It also sucked every ounce of moisture from my skin, and left me red, flaky, and dry.
It’s a three piece system (cleanser, toner, and lotion) that comes with a bonus Sulfur mask, that I actually really like to spot treat with. I’ll be honest, I don’t bother with the toner. I like to save it, though, for mid-day refreshing or prepping my brows before I wax them.
While they both contain Benzoyl Peroxide, something about the Equate (Walmart) brand just works for me. And since I tend to get far more oily in the summer, and break out more, I got a jump on summer skin care now, so I won’t have to worry about wearing a ton of makeup to cover my breakouts, and keeping it in place all day. I hate wearing heavy makeup in the summer.

Because this can be slightly drying (after all, it does contain the BP which is harsher than your typical Salicylic Acid), I still always follow up with my Garnier Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream for Dry Skin ($8.99/ULTA), and then my Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel ($3.97/Walmart), both for added layers of moisture.


My nighttime routine is even more simple.
I remove my face makeup with ‘sensitive’ baby wipes (hey, they’re abundant around here) from Walmart, and my eye makeup with coconut oil as usual. I like to make sure I have as much of my makeup off as possible before I start cleansing, otherwise it feels like I’m not getting my skin as clean as I should.

Next, I use the cleanser and lotion from the Equate Beauty Acne Treatment System again. One thing I didn’t mention above is that the cleanser does provide some exfoliation, with very fine particles similar to an at-home microdermabrasion kit. I like to spend an extra minute or two really working the cleanser around my skin, making sure I get every little bit of the day off. Once I’ve rinsed that away, I apply my lotion from the kit, and I’m done.

If I feel a blemish coming on, or have one that is just being stubborn, I’ll apply some of the sulfur mask as a spot treatment and leave it on overnight. It’s dramatically reduced the next morning!

I’ve been using paper towel to dry my face after cleansing, and I’ve noticed a slight difference in the clarity of my skin. If you’re someone who’s very acne prone, try paper towel instead of a hand towel. Fabric softener or other people touching the towel are things that can irritate the skin further!

There you have it! That’s my current skin care routine for the spring and summer months! I’m amazed at how quickly my skin cleared up (and it was stubborn, believe me!) and so far, is remaining clear, with the exception of those inevitable hormonal breakouts! If you’re struggling with stubborn acne, and you can get your hands on the Equate system, I highly recommend trying it out!

Come follow me around social media!
Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram : @dlynnesposito
Facebook : Affordable Gorgeous
Snapchat : dlynnesposito




If you’ve been riding with me for awhile here, you know my skin is….seasonally temperamental.

Sassy. It’s sassy.

In the winter, I’m dry as the Sahara. In the summer, I’m oily as can be. Spring and Fall are sort of my ‘transitional’ seasons with my skin. That’s when I become more combination. So naturally, I have to adjust my skin care routine to accommodate.

So I thought I would share my current skin care routine for combo, acne prone skin, in hopes that if you’re someone who’s struggling with keeping their skin clear and properly hydrated but not overly oily, you’ll be able to pick up some tips!

Let’s get started!


  Before I even think about cleansing my skin, I always remove as much makeup as I can with makeup remover wipes. Lately I’ve been using the Equate Beauty Night-Time Soothing Makeup Remover Towelettes to break down my foundation and concealer and any other face products.
To remove my eye makeup, I still use extra virgin coconut oil, and then remove all the gunky residue with another makeup remover wipe. The coconut oil breaks down any and all eye makeup, and conditions the lashes all at the same time, keeping them soft and strong.


img_9413Since I’ve been oily and dry all at the same time, while still battling acne, I’ve set aside my regular acne cleanser, and upped my exfoliation game to daily. It’s really not recommended that you exfoliate daily, however I’ve found that it’s working well for me, as long as I do it gently. While in the morning, I only use a makeup remover wipe to wipe away any oil on my face from the overnight hours, each night, (especially if I’ve worn makeup that day) I’ve been using my Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask as a cleanser. Sugar is water soluble and a gentle enough exfoliant to remove the dead skin cells that clog your pores and contribute to breakouts, the charcoal helps to draw impurities like dirt and makeup out of your pores, and again, it’s not widely recommended to exfoliate daily, though it’s not nearly as harsh as broken shards of stone fruits in say, the St. Ives line of exfoliating cleansers.



 This is where I try to moisturize and treat all at the same time. And this happens in one of two ways.
On days I’m not planning on wearing makeup, I apply my Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream with Sandalwood Oil immediately after cleansing/exfoliating (click the link to read a full review). Turmeric is great for fighting breakouts and fading old acne scars, and Sandalwood Oil helps to fight breakouts as well as regulate oil production on the skin. It has a slight yellow tint to it, which is fine on bare skin because it helps to balance any redness, but I’ve found that it just doesn’t work well under my makeup.
So for days that I do plan to wear makeup, I first moisturize with my Garnier Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream for Dry Skin, which is lightweight, hydrating, never greasy, and absorbs super fast! Over that, I then apply my Fruit of the Earth 100% Aloe Vera Gel, which also soothes redness, hydrates, controls oil, and is great for use during an active breakout as it helps to heal it, and makes a great primer for the skin before makeup. I especially like to use the aloe vera gel as a ‘primer for my primer’ if you will, creating a barrier between my skin and any chemicals I’m going to put on top of it that are in my makeup.

So there you have it! That’s my current skin care routine for the spring and summer months, for combination, acne prone skin. And it’s working rather well! Just see for yourself!


  What are some of the skin care products you’re loving for the warmer weather? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Come follow me around social media!
Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram : @dlynnesposito
Facebook : Affordable Gorgeous
Snapchat : dlynnesposito

And feel free to reblog this post and share my social media with your friends! Your support means so much!



As women, there are few things in life we’ll be able to escape, and few things in life men will never experience quite like us – periods, severe emotional outbursts, and hormonal acne. Because life isn’t hard enough, right?…..

But hormonal acne doesn’t have to be the bane of your existence, if you know how to predict its ETA, and figuratively slam the door in its ugly face.

And that’s why I’m writing this today. I’m mid-horrible, hormonal breakout, so I took to the internet to compile some information and ideas for treatment. I’ve already noticed a difference in my skin, and while this course of action may not work for everyone, I’m confident that it may help some of you.

Let’s get started!


As women, we’re riddled with hormones, both male and female. Generally our female hormones, or Estrogen and Progesterone, which are produced by the ovaries, dominate. The ovaries also produce male hormones, or Androgens, but at a much lower level. Around the time of ovulation (when your ovaries release an egg for fertilization) there is a spike in Androgens, which kick up oil production and alter the development of skin cells that line the hair follicles, predominately around the mouth and chin, or the beard area, and often times on the back, too.
Additionally, we all know that we naturally shed dead skin cells. Well these cells tend to become abnormally sticky, likely due to the increased oil production, and clog the pores. And TA-DA!! Acne. Yuck. So what can you do?


You can do it yourself, or you can go down Prescription Avenue. Prescriptions, both topical or oral, can be very harsh on the skin and the rest of the body, so those really should be reserved for extreme cases. But here’s what been helping me:

  • Exfoliate – gentle exfoliators are great for removing dead skin cells that can get trapped in your pores. One of my all-time faves is the Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing Mask, because the Black Sugar sloughs away any gross dead skin, and the Charcoal helps to get the deep-down gunk out of your pores.
  • Change Your Cleanser – your regular cleanser probably isn’t going to cut it while you’re waging this particular bumpy war. For the week you’re ovulating, and probably the week before, you’ll want to use something that contains Benzoyl Peroxide – you can buy products like this in any drugstore. One of my favorites is a 3 piece system by Equate, which is sold at Walmart, and it’s comparable to the Proactiv System, but it’s only $10! (I can’t find a link, but it comes in a green and white box). And as a bonus, it comes with a sample sized sulfur mask that is great for spot treating! Unless you tend to have breakouts all month long, I would reserve this for just these couple weeks, because Benzoyl Peroxide can really dry out your skin, doing more harm than good.
  • Moisturize – back to this whole dry, dead skin thing…if you keep your skin moisturized, the less flaking you’ll have (and if you’re using Benzoyl Peroxide, you especially want to moisturize). Another good reason is while you’re trying to get the breakout under control, you may still need to conceal, and well, have you ever tried to conceal a dry, flaky pimple? I have, and it’s damn near impossible. MOISTURIZE!! One of my all time faves is the Garnier Nutritioniste Refreshing Gel-Cream.
  • Hydrate – Your body, not just your face. Lots and lots and lots of water will help to naturally flush toxins from your body, and again, help keep your skin from drying out too much.
  • Be Cautious With Your Makeup – that is, if you must wear makeup. If you don’t have to, don’t. Let your skin breathe. You really don’t want to give it anything else to clog up with. But if you can, pick up a foundation or concealer that contains Salicylic Acid, so you can ‘heal while you conceal’. Neutrogena and Almay both make great products, but if you need something a little bit more lightweight, Maybelline Dream Pure BB Cream is great too.

Alright guys! I hope you were able to pick up some helpful tips from this article! What do you do when you’re battling a hormonal breakout? Leave me a comment and let me know! I’m always open to new tips and tricks!

And please take a moment to go follow me around on social media :

Twitter & Instagram : @dlynnesposito
Snapchat : dlynnesposito
Facebook : Affordable Gorgeous
And feel free to reblog and share my social media with your friends! ❤



 I feel like it’s been a hot minute since I’ve talked about skin care – and now that winter in New England is in full force, you guys know (if you’ve been following me for awhile) that my normally combo/oily skin has been super duper dried out. Like flaky, peeling, crepey dry.
For a short time, my best friend Sandra was selling Mary Kay products. Since she’s decided to stop, she has been discounting her remaining stock, and I was able to scoop up the Mary Kay Timewise Microdermabrasion Kit from her for $10. TEN DOLLARS!! It is a trial size set, which I believe she was originally selling at $20, but still….that’s a great deal!
The full size set normally retails for $55, and this mini-kit included a bonus ‘Mini Replenishing Serum + C’, and that itself retails for about $56!
I won’t get any sort of long term use from this kit, but for someone who’s never done microdermabrasion (unless you count the weekly exfoliating face mask) it was a good place to start!

Let’s get into the review!



 This comes in a small light pink box with black trim, and the Mary Kay name printed vertically down the front right side. The box is small, maybe 2.5 inches by 2.5 inches, and opens to reveal three products inside:
 Step 1 Refine scrub – .5 fl oz
Step 2 Replenish lotion – .17 fl oz
BONUS Replenishing Serum + C – .17 fl oz

Step 1 comes in a flip-top squeezey tube, and the other two products come in small vial like bottles with a pump (which I always appreciate!). Again, light pink and black packaging, signature to Mary Kay products.



 Step 1 is the actual microdermabrasion scrub. It comes out of the tube in a medium thick, lotion consistency, with no fragrance to it.


 Step 2 is a replenishing lotion, with a milky like consistency, and an almost pink/lavender/iridescent kind of color to it. There is no scent.


 The bonus Replenishing Serum + C is a pale yellow color, fluid lotion, and it smells vaguely citrus-like, but not strong enough that it would be overpowering to someone who is sensitive to fragrance.


Now for the fun part! Prior to applying step one, you should have freshly cleansed skin, but  you should use a very gentle cleanser – it specifically warns against using something harsh, or with acne medication in it, as it can irritate the skin. Try something like Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser ($8).
So after cleansing, I applied a nickel sized amount of product onto my finger tips, and began gently massaging into dampened skin. Immediately I could feel the exfoliation, and the granules are so fine that it feels almost like sand (in a good way). I gently massaged in small circles all around my face for about 1-2 minutes, really focusing on the areas that have been extra flaky lately; the sides of my nose, my forehead, chin, and across the tops of my cheeks. Then I rinsed with warm water.
Next I applied Step 2, and one pump is enough for the entire face. It glides onto the skin very easily, absorbs quickly, and doesn’t leave behind any sort of shiny, greasy residue. It felt incredibly hydrating, too, which my skin just drank right up!
And finally, for the Replenishing Serum + C – the instructions say to apply 3 pumps (although I think 2 is plenty) after Step 2 has absorbed, and instructs to apply it in the morning and at night as well. I don’t know if it’s the ‘C’ in this product, but I felt like my skin just glowed when I put this on! It felt great!

When I woke up the next morning, my skin looked brand new! A few minor breakouts were gone, it looked so much smoother and baby’s-butt soft – I couldn’t believe I was looking at my own skin!
Now it’s not exactly a miracle product – don’t expect that you use it once and all your skin woes disappear forever – but I didn’t realize just how much dry skin was built up on my face until I used this!

Have you guys tried microdermabrasion? What are your thoughts? Leave me a comment below and let me know!

And as always, please take a moment to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @dlynnesposito, and go like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook, too! Your support means so much!




 If you had a chance to check out my recent drugstore haul (which you can do by clicking here) you’d see that one of the items I picked up was the new Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water.

I had really high hopes for this, as I previously tried the Simple Cleansing Micellar Water, and I actually really like it! Before getting too deep into this post, let’s see what Garnier has to say about their product:

Micellar Cleansing Water features micelle cleansing molecules that pull oil and dirt away from the face. Our all-in-1 cleanser gently takes all makeup off, no rinsing, no harsh rubbing.

The micelle molecules in Micellar Cleansing Water cluster together to lift dirt, oil, makeup and impurities on contact. No rinsing, no harsh rubbing – it’s an entirely different way to cleanse.

This is a great concept, and many people enjoy the conveniece of products like this – myself being one of them. Traditional cleansers, no matter how gentle they claim to be, ultimately strip the skin of not only dirt and makeup, but the good oil that skin requires and produces to protect itself. Micellar waters claim to remove all the gunk, and hydrate the skin all at once.

So let’s get into the review!



 First off, I want to note that the bottle is HUGE! You get 13.5 fl oz of product for around $8.99, which they break down to roughly 200 uses – that’s awesome! It comes in a clear bottle with a pink flip-top cap for their regular formula, and a blue for their waterproof formula. All of the information is printed on a transparent label affixed to the front of the bottle, and you can see exactly how much product is being used, and when it’s time to repurchase if you choose to do so.


Water. It’s water. It’s not oily in slightest, and theres no fragrance to it whatsoever. It’s suggested to shake it before each use, which results in sudsing on top, kind of like soapy water, but I don’t know that there’s any soap-like ingredient actually in it.


I know – ‘wear’? Just following my traditional format here, guys! To apply it, you’re supposed to soak a cotton pad and gently swipe it around your face until there’s no trace of makeup left. To remove eye makeup, you simply hold it over the eye for a few seconds to break down the mascara, liner, etc., and wipe away.
I will say that this removed my mascara fairly easily (no burning or stinging!), though I really try to stick to using coconut oil for a task like that – it’s just more nourishing for my already delicate lashes.
As far as removing makeup, I used this on days where I had light makeup, as well as a full face, and it did a decent job. On a scale of 1-10, I’m pretty comfortable putting it at a solid 8. It was definitely very hydrating, which my parched skin appreciated.
 However, after just two days of use, as you’ll note in the photo, I had some pretty severe breakouts on my chin and around my mouth. Not cool. This claims to be gentle enough for sensitive skin, which is really what drew me in. You know I have super sensitive skin, and how cautious I am with new skin care products. And a week later, I’m still battling that same breakout, even though I’ve reverted to my regular skin care routine. So needless to say, I’m not thrilled, and I ended up returning this product.

So all in all, I really didn’t love this product. I fell for the convenience, and really went in with the hope that I would love it as much as I loved the product from the Simple brand. Alas, this was not the case.

Have you guys tried this yet? What about other Micellar Waters? Leave me a comment below and let me know your thoughts!

And please take a moment to go follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterst @dlynnesposito, and go like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook!




HELLO HELLO!! It’s that time of the month again!


It’s time for my October favorites! All thethings I’ve been LOVING this past month! This time I decided to include a little bit of everything – beauty, skin care, fashion, EVERYTHING. Last month I kept it strictly beauty related because I had just done a FALL favorites post, so this month I thought I would mix things up a bit – leave me a comment below and let me know which you like best, just beauty or a little bit of everything!



 I have a few of these, but my faves lately have been the Charcoal and Black Sugar Polishing Mask and the Dead Sea Minerals Anti-Stress Mask. The polishing mask is a favorite for days when I’m feeling extra dry and flakey, or I’ve had heavy makeup on. Since it’s rather gritty, and over-exfoliating isn’t good for your skin, on ‘off days’ I like to use the Dead Sea Minerals Anti-Stress mask. It’s great for de-gunking your pores, and the smell is SOOO relaxing, and I won’t lie, I love the bright blue color. And scaring the crap out of my husband! HAHAHA!!


 This has become a regular part of my night time skin care routine. My lips get SUPER dry and flakey in the fall and winter, so bad that regular lip balm is no match for them! So I use this at night and follow it up with some Vaseline, and I’ve noticed a huge difference in the condition of my lips. This too, is a pretty grainy product, but it’s basically made of Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Avocado, Grape and Jojoba Oils, and sugar, to slough away any trace of dry skin. And I believe this is one of the E.L.F. products offered at CVS nationwide (they don’t carry the ENTIRE line, just a selection of it), so it’s even easier to get your hands – or lips! – on them!!


 Now I’ll admit that this was quite the splurge for me – $24 for a lip gloss – crazy, right?! But if you consider how INSANELY pigmented this stuff is, and how wonderfully long lasting it is, I think it was worth the splurge. It’s the first baby created by YouTube beauty vlogger and professional makeup artist Jaclyn Hill, and it is, to quote her,”amaze-balls!”. It’s not too pink, and not too red, and I find MY favorite way of applying it is to just put a little in the center of my bottom lip and then blend it out, so it’s leaving more of a stain. Of course you can go balls-to-the-wall and go for a nice, thick layer of it and it’s BEAUTIFUL. But I like the pretty, natural, just bitten look I get from just a small amount. AND it’s got a built in light in the wand, and a mirror on the side, making application in low light or ANYWHERE really a BREEZE! ❤


 I FREAKIN’ LOVE dry shampoo. I don’t know if it’s because it’s just too much hassle to wash my hair as often as I should (#SAHMprobs) or because they offer flexibility in styling by adding volume and texture to the hair, or because they’re so portable and convenient. But after trying pretty much every dry shampoo out there EXCEPT this one, I figured ‘why not?’. It was on sale, which is ALWAYS a win for me, and it claimed to leave no residue, and a light matte finish. Now because I’ve yet to find RED dry shampoo (they make blonde and brown, why the hell not red?!) to match my ruby red hair, I was anxious to find something that wouldn’t leave me with that white cast at the root, or looking pink. This stood up well. Me like-y.


 This is sort of a rediscovered favorite for me. I picked this up awhile back because I’ve always been impressed with Maybelline mascaras, and I just love voluminous lashes and big, fat, bristle brushes. But my FAVORITE thing about this mascara is that it doesn’t flake or smudge during the day. The brush is a little tricky, as it’s tapered a LITTLE bit at the end, but still kinda tricky to maneuver into the inner corner and grab the little baby lashes, but it gives AMAZING volume and pretty great length too. I’m trying to use it up so I can buy a new one, but it’s DEFINITELY one that I plan to repurchase again and again.


 If you’re looking for a great fall color, this is it. It looks crazy brown in the bullet, but when you apply it to your lips it does something magical with your own natural lip color – I can’t explain it. It’s a lovely autumn shade that goes with any look, from a smokey eye to minimal makeup, and BONUS – it’s a total dupe for the Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey ($17), and who doesn’t love a good dupe?!


 I was in TJ Maxx the other day, and while I was walking around looking for my nephews birthday gift, took a stroll through the handbag department, as per usual. That’s where I spotted this. I needed a fall bag, and while yes, this is quite large for the everyday bag, I also tend to carry a sizable makeup bag, diapers, wipes, food, assorted toys, etc. So the multitude of storage, lots of pockets, all these things appealed to me. Now I managed to get this on sale for $40, which is why I’m including it in the post, but if you don’t have a TJ Maxx near you and you happen to love this bag as much as I do, the link is above. Let me be clear in saying that before any purchase over $20, I have a rule – I go home, sleep on it, and if I’m still lusting after it the next day, and can afford it, I’ll go get it. Well, they originally had one in an olive green, so the black one here was my second choice. BUT I think it was a good move. Black is classic, and I can use this forever. It would even be great to travel with as a carry on, as soon as we have the means of course!


 In the fall and winter, I love tea. At any given time I have 4-5 boxes of different teas in my kitchen. Ever since I had my gallbladder out in June of 2015, I’ve had some lingering stomach issues, mainly nausea and the inability to tolerate too much caffeine, dairy, fat, etc. So usually in the afternoon and right before bed, I make a big cup of peppermint tea with about a teaspoon or so of honey, and it helps to just relax my entire body, tummy included. And I’ve noticed that by scaling back on the coffee and having more tea, my skin is clearer and my teeth are whiter, and I’m able to unwind much easier at night. Plus it’s just so soothing and cozy.

What are some things YOU guys are loving for the month of October?! Leave me a comment and let me know!

And as always, go follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito to keep up with me!


XOXO – Donna


In one of my previous posts, “HOW I SAVED MY SKIN – THE OILY TRUTH”, I talked about how coconut oil was the answer to my 28 year long dermatologic nightmare. While it plays a major role, it’s just one of several steps in my nightly skin care routine. To break it down:

  • makeup removal
  • cleanse
  • tone
  • eye cream
  • moisturize
  • lash serum
  • spot treat as necessary

The nighttime routine is a little more involved than the morning routine, but obviously it’s because we’re washing away a whole day’s worth of gunk. And it’s SO IMPORTANT to cleanse and moisturize properly at night, because your skin takes that time to regenerate and heal itself. It needs to breathe. And it can’t breathe if it’s being suffocated by makeup, sweat, dirt, and general nastiness that it accumulates during the day.

I really try to give myself more “no makeup days” whenever possible. And most days I’m just home with my son and have nowhere to go, so I don’t bother with much at all. If I know I’ll be running out, even briefly, I’ll do the bare minimum. But usually as soon as I’m home again, the makeup comes off. But before bed, here’s what I do:

  1. Remove all my makeup with Simple Micellar Cleansing Water (eye makeup too!)
  2. Wash my face with Neutrogena Liquid Face Wash with 2% salicylic acid
  3. Go back with the Simple Micellar cleansing water or a diluted Apple Cider Vinegar toner (if I’m broken out) to clean away any residue left behind.
  4. Apply my Garner Miracle Sleeping Eye Gel to the under eye area and the area just below my eyebrow.
  5. Apply a small amount (about the size of my fingernail) of Kelapo Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
  6. Apply my Rimmel Lash Serum to my lashes and my brows, and comb through with a clean spoolie brush to ensure even distribution.
  7. Spot treat as needed with Desitin Maximum Strength diaper rash cream (yes, diaper cream – zinc oxide is acne’s kryptonite, believe me!)

It may seem like a lot of steps, but as I said, it’s so important to take care of your skin. What I love most about the coconut oil is not only does it keep the acne at bay, but it also acts as an anti aging treatment, aiding in cell turnover and renewal, without the addition of another product, and lets face it, some of those anti aging creams and serums can be pri-cy, even from the drugstore. And I know, I know, the whole diaper cream on the face thing seems a little weird right? At first it was – I wondered how a thick cream would help to clear my breakouts and not clog my pores even more. But it works. I applied it to an angry cystic blemish that I could feel working it’s way to the surface, and what probably would have taken a month or more to clear up was gone in 4 DAYS! SCORE!!

Ever since I’ve been following this routine, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in the overall clarity of my skin. Most days I even feel confident enough to leave the house without anything more than a touch of concealer here and there. And for me, that speaks volumes.

What do you guys use as part of your skin care routine? I’m always open to suggestions! Let me know in the comments!!

And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito!

xoxo – Donna


So in following suit with the nighttime skin care routine, this article is about my MORNING skin care routine. While it is equally as important to wash your face in the morning and prep it for your makeup (or no makeup, the choice is yours), it generally requires less steps than what you would do at night.

In addition to cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, I like to use masks and scrubs in the morning a couple times a week. I prefer the morning because I feel like it creates a much smoother canvas for applying my makeup. So here goes:

  1. Typically 2-3 mornings per week, I’ll apply a mask in the morning before doing the daily skin care routine. I’ve been LOVING the Freeman Charcoal and Black Sugar Polishing Mask lately – it’s scrubby without being rudely abrasive, and when you rinse it off your skin feels SO AMAZING!
  2. I then cleanse with Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleansing Wash – it’s got a cool, tingly feeling that just FEELS clean, and doesn’t over dry, and feels amazing.
  3. Following cleansing, I tone with the Simple Micellar Cleansing Water (I tend to reserve the apple cider vinegar toner for nighttime as it can leave some pretty serious redness behind if I’m not careful with it)
  4. I apply my Garnier Anti-puff eye roller to the under eye area – baby + no sleep = puffy eyes for mama – this is the antidote.
  5. I then moisturize with Garnier Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel-Cream for Dry Skin – I stumbled upon this at the GROCERY STORE one day, and fell in love the first time I used it – I’m already on my 3rd jar! I just wanna apply it over and over and over – it’s not greasy, absorbs quickly, and leaves a perfect base for your makeup.
  6. Lastly, I apply what I like to refer to as the “primer for my primer” if I’ll be wearing makeup – Fruit of the Earth 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel – it adds an extra layer of moisture, helps with any redness and irritation, and since primers tend to break me out I like to have that barrier between my skin and the primer – sometimes the aloe gel is a perfect primer all by itself! I’ve been using it for awhile and LOVE IT!

So there’s my MORNING skin care routine. I don’t think a morning has gone by in years that I haven’t done this. I’ve switched moisturizers here and there, and I don’t like to use the coconut oil in the morning if I’ll be wearing makeup, but if I’m going bare faced I’ll use it.

Morning skin care doesn’t have to be a lengthy process. The basic idea is to get rid of the sweat and toxins that your pores have pushed out overnight, and then moisturize to hydrate your skin and provide a smooth base for your makeup to adhere to. I DO recommend, however, that if you’re going to apply your makeup after cleansing and moisturizing, do it within 30-45 minutes, that way if your skin tends to get a little oily, it won’t slide around on you, or make you looked like a greased chicken. What I love about the Garnier gel-cream versus a traditional cream or lotion type of moisturizer, is how quickly it absorbs into the skin. So if you’re in a rush in the morning, this isn’t a product you’ll have to wait around while it sets in. It absorbs almost instantly. It’s really incredible.

I’ll provide links for all the products below, or you can find EVERYTHING in your local drugstore, Walmart, Target, etc. And as always, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito!

xoxo – Donna