So awhile back, on a YouTube binge, I stumbled across a Wayne Goss video called ‘The Most Amazing Foundation Tip You’ll Ever Learn’ (click the title to watch the video) and well, needless to say, I was intrigued. Basically the idea is to mix some beauty oil in with your foundation to keep your skin looking hydrated, dewey, glowing, and never cakey.

So in case you’re new here, I’ll give you a little background on my skin – I’m oily in the summer, dry in the winter. Very, very sensitive to new products, anything with silicone, and extremely breakout prone. I have redness, acne scarring, hyper pigmentation, freckles, you name it. So on a bad skin day, I like a decent full coverage, and on a good skin day, I’m ok with minimal concealer.

Since I’m writing this in the winter (January to be exact) and the temperature in CT has taken a polar plunge after our unusually warm fall and early winter (think nearly 70 degrees on Christmas Day!) and it’s now about 8 degrees outside, my skin is super parched and flaky. While I believe exfoliation is one of the most important parts in any skin care routine, sometimes we just need that extra hydration.

So basically, what Wayne did, after learning this trick from celebrated makeup artist Scott Barnes, was take a beauty oil (jojoba, sweet almond, etc) and mix a drop with a liquid or cream foundation, and then apply it to the skin. The idea is that it slightly sheers out the foundation, making even the most full coverage, thick formula a dream to work with, but adds moisture to the skin and helps the foundation lay better and look more natural, and never cakey or overdone. So as dry as I’ve been lately, I thought I’d try it for myself!

First things first, the products I used : Physicians Formula Argan Oil, and Revlon ColorStay Liquid Foundation (the oily skin formula). I approached this method in two ways – first by applying the oil directly to my skin, and rather than allowing it time to absorb, applied my foundation immediately on top of it. Then, in the second test, I mixed the oil and foundation together on the back of my hand before applying – let’s see which one worked better!

*NOTE* Always use a brush for applying the foundation and oil – never a damp sponge – OIL AND WATER DON’T MIX and it will separate on the skin!



 So first, I applied 3-4 drops of my Physicians Formula Argan Oil to freshly cleansed skin. Now, ordinarily I’d allow any sort of oil, serum, or moisturizer to absorb into the skin for about 20-30 minutes before applying my foundation, concealer, etc. It’s important to note that while I have large pores in the center of my face I did not use a primer before applying these products. That’s another test for another time! Ok, so as soon as the oil went on, next came the foundation. I dotted it all over my face, and immediately went to work blending it in with a Morphe M439 brush (my go to foundation brush as of late). I will say that it blended much more fluidly than using it alone or over any primer, which was nice. However I did notice some clinging to dry patches, which could have been because I didn’t exfoliate prior to this experiment. As time wore on, though, I found that it looked quite nice as my skin absorbed the oil and the two products settled in harmony. I didn’t feel greasy, and I had no trouble with the lasting power of the foundation, nor did I lose much in the way of coverage (a little, but not much). Overall, a decent result.



 So for round two in this experiment, I took some foundation on the back of my hand, and added 2 drops of the Argan Oil, then mixed it up like a little foundation cocktail, before applying a few dots of product to my face. From there, I simply blend it in as usual, again using the Morphe M439 brush – I’ve seen some people try to do this with a damp beauty blender, and well, it’s damp – with water – and oil and water don’t mix, people!
Anyway, I found that this mixture works quite well! It applied smoothly, a little bit more on the sheer side (thanks to the oil), but it looked incredibly natural – like second skin! Now because I’m mid-blemish fest, I did have to use a little concealer to cover up my ‘visitors’, but I noticed that even that applied so much smoother than usual! One thing I did notice was that this time around, my foundation looked a little more on the orangey side, almost like mixing the oil with it helped to oxidize it. It wasn’t oompa-loompa orange, but something that I noticed when I stepped out into daylight – in indoor lighting it looked just fine. Also, it’s important to note that neither time I tried this did I feel the need to set it with powder – if you’re oily, you might want a light dusting of translucent loose powder, but because my skin has been Sahara Desert dry lately, I skipped that step for fear of looking lizard-scaly. Overall, I was pleased with the results!

So if you’re looking to try out this method of applying your foundation, but have been hesitant, I say go for it! As I mentioned above, if you’re oily, you’ll want to set with powder, and maybe mix your oil with a foundation that already has a mattifying formula (like the Revlon ColorStay or even Maybelline Fit Me Matte & Poreless), but whatever you do, do not blend it with a damp sponge! I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen say “what a load of crap, this doesn’t work!” but they’re using a damp BeautyBlender to apply it!

Have you guys tried this method out yet? Have you been wanting to, but been afraid? Leave me a comment and let me know!

And please take a moment to go follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @dlynnesposito, and like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook – your support means so much to me!

