Strobing was the latest trend on the red carpet and runways for spring and summer of 2015. It has been said that strobing will replace contouring. Yeah, ok. Personally I’ll ALWAYS contour to some degree, even if it’s just my nose – I have to contour my nose, no matter what.

‘Strobing’ is just a fancy way of saying ‘highlighting’, and highlighting pretty much everywhere. Its basically the absence of contouring. So when one might normally contour, then apply their blush and shimmery highlight shade, you’re simply omitting the ‘contour’ part of the routine.

How many of you breathed a huge sigh of relief that you don’t have to contour?!

This isn’t generally isn’t a routine for the oily-skinned girls like myself, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it! It just requires an additional step, which I’ll share below! So let’s get started!

*OILY TIP – After you’ve cleansed your skin and applied your regular moisturizer, take a stippling brush and a little bit of Milk of Magnesia (see the detailed article here) and lightly apply it to your oiliest areas only – not the entire face! This will be your oil control element AND your primer all in one! Apply your regular foundation or a BB cream over the Milk of Magnesia once it’s completely dry (it will look powdery, don’t wipe that away!) and proceed with the rest of the group!*


img_9596If you’re NOT cursed (or blessed, depending on how you look at it!) with oily skin, then don’t use the MoM mentioned above – your skin will feel horribly tight and dry all day and you’ll be uncomfortable! Use an illuminating primer like L’oreal Magic Lumi Light Infusing Primer ($13), mix that with your favorite foundation or BB cream, and apply it with a foundation brush like the Morphe M439 Deluxe Buffer ($14) or a Real Techniques Expert Face Brush ($9), really buffing it into the skin and blending well. Not only will the primer help you’re makeup last, but it will give you that additional glow factor before you really start packing on the highlight!



 Grab your favorite concealer in a lighter shade, I used my Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Concealer in Ivory ($8), and conceal under the eye in a V shape, the center of the forehead, down the bridge of the nose and along either side of the nose, the center of the chin, and any other imperfections that weren’t covered by your foundation or BB cream, and blend it out with a damp sponge like the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge ($7) – the damp sponge will soak up any excess concealer so you get the flawless coverage, but no ‘cake face’.


img_9455Taking a liquid or cream highlighter, I used the Revlon PhotoReady Skinlights Face Illuminator in Bare Light ($12), which is a beautiful universal highlight shade, and dot that on the high points of the face; the cheekbones, around the sides of the eye, under the highest point of the brow, the center of the forehead, down the bridge of the nose, the cupids bow, and a little on the chin. I found that after applying, it wasn’t really doing it for me, so I layered a little ‘Pink Light’ over the top of that. Blend that out with your damp sponge again. Now set your under eyes with a brightening powder, I used the e.l.f. High Definition Undereye Setting Powder ($3), or you can use a translucent powder like the Rimmel Stay Matte Translucent Pressed Powder ($4) and a small tapered brush like the Real Techniques Setting Brush ($8). Then set your entire face LIGHTLY with a translucent powder and a big fluffy brush – don’t worry, you’re not undoing all your hard work – just wait for the next step!


img_9736Now grab your favorite powder highlight – I’m using theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer ($12 on ebay!)! Taking a brush like the Morphe M501 Pro Pointed Blender ($8)  apply your powder highlight to all the places you applied your liquid highlight. You always want to apply your creams and liquids first, then your powders, so they don’t break apart and look gross. Dust your powder highlight every where you applied the cream highlight, and even apply some to the inner corner of the eye, and a little on the center of the eye lid to really make your peepers pop! Next just apply your favorite blush! I used the Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso ($8) but you can use whatever you love!



All you have left is to finish your makeup like usual, though I would recommend keeping the eyes and lips a little understated – the focus of this look is really on the skin. Some mascara or even a fluttery, fluffy pair of falsies, and a pretty neutral pink glossy lip and you’re good to go! Oh, wait! Don’t forget the brows, of course!

This trend really gained momentum in the spring and summer months, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear it throughout the year! You could pair it with a soft neutral brown-toned eye, or a light berry lip, really anything goes! It’s especially great for those of you with dry skin (like myself right now!) that want to look dewy and fresh and glowing all year round!

I hope you guys picked up a few tips and tricks, or maybe even discovered some products you want to try! Let me know in the comments below if you’ve tried strobing, if you love it or hate it, and what you use to achieve this look!

And as always, go follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito, and go like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook! And please feel free to share this article with all of your friends on social media!




I can’t believe 2015 is over! It’s been a crazy year!

Instead of mourning another year passed, let’s look forward to all the good – all the new makeup that launches in January 2016!

In the meantime though, I’d like to share with you guys all the things I’ve been loving this month. Let’s get started!


  I can see why this brush is a favorite among so many – I now get what all the hype is about! It’s become my absolute favorite brush for highlighting!  I have some fan brushes and even a SOHO Pro Crease Brush that is quite fluffy that I used to use for highlighting, and I haven’t touched them since I got this. Morphe brushes are incredible quality and super budget friendly, whether you’re just getting into makeup or you’re a professional! There is of course, and M500 which is a bit bigger, and an M502 which is a bit smaller, but this middle man of a brush just seems to be the perfect size to tackle all of your highlighting needs!


img_9395I noticed the other day that I have a pretty sizable patch of broken lashes in the center of my right eye. Don’t ask me how, but they’re there. So I broke out my trusty L’Oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara – the primer side helps to add length before the mascara side seals it in, creating the illusion of thicker, longer lashes that last all day! Seriously, all day – getting this stuff off can be tricky (and damaging if you’re not careful!) but I use coconut oil, which breaks down the product and nourishes my lashes at the same time.


  I have been reaching for this blush probably more than any other lately. It’s got a universally flattering peachy pink tone, with just the right amount of sheen – not glitter, like some of their other shades (*coughs* Corralina) – it’s like applying your blush and highlight all in one step. It makes you look beautifully healthy and radiant, like you’ve been eating your fruits and veggies. I die.


IMG_8964If you guys are looking for great quality, inexpensive eyeshadows, look no further than the Morphe palettes. If you average out this particular palette, you’re actually paying 57 cents per shadow! You can’t get a deal like that at any drugstore! This palette is entirely matte, with a mix of warm, neutral, and cool tones ranging from lighter skin toned colors all the way to browns and blacks, and even a couple pinks, oranges, and purples. If you want to build your own palette, Morphe also sells individual shadow pans for $2.29, which you can put in a Z palette or even the Morphe brand magnetic palette. I’ll be doing a full review with swatches soon!

MORPHE MONTHLY BRUSH CLUB – $19.99 per month /

img_9428 While we’re showing some love to Morphe, I’m sure many of you saw my recent post about the Morphe Monthly Brush Club – basically the premise is that like any other monthly subscription box – Morphe picks a variety of brushes that value $30+ in total each month, and automatically ships them directly to your door for just $19.99!! Unfortunately it is currently sold out *sad face* but they are accepting people on a wait list! What I absolutely love about this versus other monthly subscriptions boxes is that you know you’re getting full size, quality products that you can use over and over again, rather than a box full of tiny samples and unheard of deluxe samples that you can only use a few times before having to purchase a full sized product. Personally I’m a brush junkie, and already knowing the quality of these brushes made me stalk the website waiting for this deal to drop like a crazy ex-girlfriend! Totally worth it! If you haven’t seen my ‘unboxing’ of the first month, click on over to the HAULS tab at the top of the page and check it out!


IMG_7448I don’t know what sort of hissy-fit my skin has been having lately, but my ordinarily oily skin has been super duper dry. Like flaky dry. Dull dry. This primer gives such a beautiful luminosity to the skin – however, if you’re oily you may want to avoid this unless you use it under a more mattifying foundation. I love this in the winter because I do tend to lean more on the dry side this time of year, but I hate my skin looking matte. I like to glow!! A trick I like to use is to mix a pump of this primer and a pump of my foundation on the back of my hand like a little cocktail, and then apply it – it shears out the foundation just enough so that you don’t get cake face, while the primer still helps it adhere to the skin.


IMG_8951One of the places I’ve been the most dry, oddly enough, is under my eyes. Which has made blending out concealer with my preferred method of the e.l.f. Studio Flawless Concealer brush impossible. So lately I’ve been reaching for my RT sponge, and it’s been a lifesaver. The dampness adds back just enough hydration, and picks up just enough excess concealer (because I can get a little heavy-handed with concealer, I’ll admit it) to blend it out flawlessly. It’s also a great tool if you’ve been struggling with (or afraid to try) cream contouring and highlighting! This is said to be the best dupe around town for the $20 Original Beauty Blender too – don’t worry, mine is coming in the mail soon because naturally, I have to see what all the hype is about, and I will let you know if its an acceptable dupe! I promise!

Well, those are MY favorites for this month, but what are some of yours? Leave me a comment below and let me know, I love to hear from you guys!

And as always, please go follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito, and go give a like to the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook!




Most people think of highlighting and contouring and think they automatically have to use powder products to achieve the look – not the case!

Today we’ll be using cream products to highlight and contour! And believe it or not, it’s even easier to do, and far more natural looking for every day!

This practice is used to do just as it sounds – it sculpts the face, creates shadows to help conceal or slim some features while bringing light to others, defining them and bringing more attention.

Powder H&C can be a little harsh for daytime – and it requires a pretty decent amount of product to achieve the look which can subsequently feel on the heavier side. Powders also can be less-than-ideal for people with dry skin, and this is because powder can tend to cling to dry patches, making it harder to blend, and appearing dirty and well, patchy!

But creams can be applied lightly, blended easily, and can look incredibly natural if done properly! And depending on the formula of the products you use, this is a great technique for ALL skin types!

Here’s what you’ll need :

  • your favorite concealer, 1-2 shades lighter than your skin tone
  • your favorite concealer, 4-5 shades darker than your skin tone
  • a cream blush
  • a damp makeup sponge
  • a stippling brush
  • a translucent setting powder
  • a powder brush

So without further ado, let’s get started!

*If you choose to wear foundation underneath this, you’ll want to make sure that you have the THINNEST possible layer of foundation on. Or BB cream. Whatever you choose to use. I say thin because in a minute we’ll be adding more cream products, and when you over-apply them, it can start to walk the line between natural looking and cake face. And no one likes cake face. Now, that’s not saying you HAVE to use foundation or BB cream – we will be using concealers for this tutorial, and since they’re basically going all over the face, foundation isn’t really necessary. But I would DEFINITELY recommend using your favorite primer before anything else, so your H&C doesn’t slide around or break down on you during the day. Oh, and if you have any dark circles to color correct, you’ll want to do that now.*

If you look closely you can see the line of dark concealer on my cheek – I know, horrible lighting, I’m so sorry!


First we’ll go in and contour, and for that I’ll be using the Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in Deep ($7/ULTA). Starting with the cheeks, it’s pretty much the same idea as powder contouring – start from the top of your ear, and angle downward towards the corner of your mouth, but don’t go any further than the outer corner of your eye. And it’s best to keep the line a little bit higher, because you never want your contour too low – this can drag down all of your features and make you look sallow and droopy. Repeat on the other side.


Next trace the top of your forehead along the hairline with your contour shade, and then on either side, draw a few small lines right above the outer corner of each brow. You can add more or less depending on how large or small your forehead is. If you have a small forehead, add less. If you have a higher forehead and you want to make it look smaller, add a little more.

  If you want to add some definition to your chin, you can apply a tiny amount just under the jawline – I typically don’t do this but it’s a great trick to hide a double chin.


And I always, always contour my nose. It’s just personal preference, like the jawline – you don’t have to do this – but if you feel like you have a slightly wider nose, this is a great way to make it look slimmer, and additionally, if you have a less-than-straight nose, it can make it look straighter. If you feel like your nose is long, you can also add some of that contour shade in a V shape to the tip of your nose, making it look shorter.

It’s possible I had entirely too much fun drawing lines of concealer all over my face!

Now we can move on to highlighting! Taking my Maybelline Fit Me concealer in Fair ($7/ULTA), I’m going to apply that to all the places I want to bring light to – under the eyes in a V shape, between the brows, down the center of the nose, the cupids bow, either side of my nose to conceal redness, around the sides of my mouth, the smile lines, and the chin. You can also apply a thin line immediately under the contour line on the cheeks to make sure it stays defined and doesn’t get lost on the sides of the face, or fall too low.


Next we’re gonna take our damp sponge, and I’m using the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge ($7/ULTA), and begin to blend everything out. I like to start with my contour, and blend that out first, and then flip the sponge over and blend out my highlight, that way if the contour looks a little dark, you can blend your highlight over it without dragging your colors together too much and making your face look muddy and dirty. And of course if you feel like you need more, you can add more. It’s always easier to add a little at a time than it is to take it away! Whatever you do make sure you blend away any trace of lines from where we initially applied the product – you want this totally blended, you don’t want to see any harsh lines!


In sticking with the theme of cream products, I’m going to apply a cream blush like Revlon PhotoReady Cream Blush in Charmed ($14/ULTA), and I’m using the e.l.f. Studio Small Stipple Brush ($3/Target) for this, to make it look the most natural.

From here on out I just like to set all my makeup with a translucent powder, and I’ve recently been loving this Mary Kay Translucent Loose Powder ($16/ that I got as a hostess gift for throwing a Mary Kay party for a friend, but you can use any translucent powder you have on hand. I just apply that with a Real Techniques Powder Brush ($10/ULTA) to lock everything in place, and then go on to finish the rest of my makeup.


You guys, thank you for bearing with me through my atrocious vanity lighting! I should start coming out to shoot in the hallway where I took the picture above – this is in front of a window with lots of natural light. Additionally, I used no foundation for this tutorial – I wanted you guys to see just how much coverage you could get with just a little bit of product and the right amount of blending!!

You did it! Personally, I love this technique more for everyday – I just think it looks so much more natural. And like I said, if you’re someone with dry skin, you’ll love this because it won’t cling to dry spots, and it won’t feel chalky and uncomfortable. But if you’re someone with oily skin, that’s fine too – just use long wearing concealers or even different shades of foundation (Revlon Colorstay Foundations would work great here!) to achieve this look!

I hope you guys picked up some useful tips and tricks from this tutorial! Leave me comments below and let me know if you’ve tried cream highlighting and contouring and what your favorite products are! I love to hear from you guys!

And don’t forget to go follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito, and go like the Affordable Gorgeous page on Facebook!




Thanks to Kim Kardashian and many other celebs, there has been a spike in the trend of highlighting and contouring. We all know that contouring is essentially carving out areas of your face and creating shadows in order to look more sculpted and create a more desirable face shape. But then what about highlighting?

Ahh, highlighting. This is a technique used to bring LIGHT back to the face. To make you look dewey, like you’re glowing from within. It can be as simple as a little placed at the high points of your face, like the tops of the cheek bones or under the brow, to ‘strobing’, which is just highlighting anywhere and everywhere and skipping contouring altogether.

You DO NOT need super expensive products to achieve this look. I’ve rounded up some of my absolute favorite drugstore options that quite frankly I don’t think I could live without. Ranging from primers to powders to creams and liquids, these highlighters will work on ANY skin tone, guaranteed! Let’s get started!


  I know, bronzer. You may be thinking ‘I thought we were here for HIGHLIGHTERS?’ but this shade in particular, as far as I can tell, has NO bronzing power to it whatsoever. It’s a beautiful peach/gold highlight that its so versatile, I find myself using it just about everywhere – cheeks, cupids bow, the inner corner of my eyes, the brow bone, you name it. BECAUSE it’s got that warmer undertone to it, though, I tend to use this more in the late spring and through the summer when I’ve already got a little color going on in my face. It just enhances that summer glow, making you look like a beaming, glowy, bronzed goddess. It’s a staple in my collection, and one I reach for the most frequently.


  Another bronzer? Technically, yes. Again, this is far too light to be considered a bronzer, in my opinion. However after seeing it compared to Mary-Lou Manizer by theBalm, and mentioned with great affection by YouTube’s Jessica Braun (jambeauty89 – go check her out – she’s awesome!) I finally went out and picked one up. It’s not quite as….shiny?….as the typical highligher, but it does have just enough punch to give a fresh, dewey effect that makes you look healthy. I was hesitant because I haven’t had much luck with Wet n Wild products in the past, but I have to say, they’ve really stepped up their game from being that cheap, poor quality middle/high school brand I remember! I’m definitely impressed with this one!


  This is a great product for those with dry skin and a dull complexion. On someone with oily skin, like me, I would strongly advise that you use with caution. This, as with any other primer, goes on BEFORE your foundation, unlike all the other highlighters in this post. This product, however, will probably be the one that give the most NATURAL looking highlight. Here’s a tip for my combo or oily-skinned girls who are interested in trying this product out : MULTI-PRIME. It’s the same concept as multi-masking, but here you would use say, an oil control primer where you tend to get oily, like the t zone, and then the Magic Lumi primer in places that you want to look dewey, like maybe the tops of the cheek bones, or to brighten the area under your eyes.


  Physicians Formula makes some pretty amazing products. I’m the proud owner of many, and while they’re on the higher priced end of the drugstore beauty spectrum, they really are worth the buy. Something about this product though, when it touches the skin, literally almost takes my breath away. It’s a very neutral highlight – not too white, gold, pink, peach – just beautiful. It almost reminds me the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal. I don’t own the Becca product, so I couldn’t justifiably call it a dupe, but in pictures and swatches that I’ve seen, it looks strikingly similar to me.


  Both of these are great options on any skin tone. They can be a tad on the pigmented side, so less is more, but considering they’re only $1 (yup, you read that right!) they literally last forever! They come in several shades, but if I were to pick two faves, and two that would work on any skin tone, these would be it. Lilac Petal is just what it sounds like – a very subtle lilac undertone, great on pale skin. And while I’ve yet to try it myself, is said to be a spot on dupe for Benefit High Beam, for so much less! Spotlight is a bright, frosty, snow white shade, also suitable for anyone, but really pops on medium to darker skin tones. They even have a shade called ‘Toasted’ which I haven’t tried yet, but looks to be a very neutral undertone, somewhere between gold and pink, like if they had a little dewey, shimmery baby. I’ll be tossing a few of those into my next e.l.f. order for sure! They have great lasting power for a $1 product (I know I didn’t expect much but was SUPER impressed!) and I happily recommend them to anyone!


  Each of these palettes contains 5 individual shades, and in my eyes these are TOTAL dupes for the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks. You definitely get the rose and bronze tones from these, but they’re still very versatile and wearable on every skin tone. I even like to multitask with the Bronze Glow palette and use some of those shades as eyeshadows in the warmer months. These are probably a little more powdery than some of the other powder highlighting products mentioned about, but you don’t lose a TON of product when tapping of your brush. I would recommend a light handed application and then build on it to your desired intensity.

There are endless highlighting products out there on the market now, and more popping up every day! What are some that YOU guys love? Have you tried any of the ones I’ve mentioned above? Any new suggestions to expand my collection? Leave me comments below!

And don’t forget to go follow me on Twitter and Instagram @dlynnesposito and go like the new Affordable Gorgeous Facebook page!

